Established in 2006, Law Offices of Sheilah D. Vance, Esquire provides high quality legal representation to its clients. Our goal, since the beginning, is to provide the most excellent legal services possible. To us, nothing is more important

than meeting your legal needs at the highest level. 

We are a certified Disadvantaged Business Enterprise..

Our first question to you is always:  how can I help?

You can rest assured knowing that we have your best interests at heart.  Let us answer your questions and help you get your legal house in order. 

Contact Sheilah at or 267-667-5996 (office).

Current Professional Affiliations:

Chair, The Clery Center, Board of Directors

Member, Advisory Board, Association of Title IX Administrators (ATIXA)

Affiliated Consultant, TNG Consulting

Arbitrator, Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas Arbitration Program

Selected Presentations, Articles, and Trainings:

See Title IX and EEO presentations and trainings on Title IX and EEO page

Lessons from Prince's Estate

Understanding Counseling Theory for Personal Support 

From "Loving" to "Get Out": Legal and Implict Bias Regarding Interracial Relationships