Law Offices of Sheilah D, Vance, provides Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) services to businesses, educational institutions, and organizations. Sheilah Vance is an experienced legal counselor and trainer with DEI and compliance experience in all of these sectors. We can sit with you and develop a comprehensive DEI strategy and program that meets your needs in this important area.

diversity equity and inclusion services
title ix dei bias prevention
the cardinal change dei team
Building on our popular Conscious Compliance Title IX program, we developed the Title IX DEI Bias Prevention Program. This is a comprehensive, multifaceted program of bias prevention training for participants in your Title IX program, assessment of your institution's Title IX program and policies to identify any possible bias indicators, and crafting solutions to prevent bias from creeping into your Title IX program. Contact us Sheilah Vance at svance@svancelawoffices.com for more information.

We partner with the DEI experts at Cardinal Change for Workforce Diversity and Inclusion Consulting. As part of the Cardinal Change Team, Sheilah Vance works with the team members on:
- Organization Management. Nurture your workforce equality, strengthen your communities, build your capacity, and grow your organization.
- Race, Equity, Class, and Power. We go deeper than diversity and equity to change symbols into substance and transform organizations through a holistic approach to ensure workforce equality.
- Corporate Responsbility. We tap into the power of our industry to do good for society while doing well for our stakeholders.
Contact Sheilah at svance@svancelawoffices..com for more information.