Wills, probate, estate administration, powers of attorney, living wills, and other estates and trusts matters.

We will help you find an attorney who can handle your criminal law matters.

criminal law

general civil law

As an author and publisher, Vance knows: copyright, trademark, book shepherding, manuscript review, permissions, licenses, contract review and negotiation, contract drafting, and litigation.  

entertainment and literary law

Vance speaking at Yale University School of Management, Women in Management, March 2018, on applying the lessons of Title IX sexual harassment prevention and enforcement to the modern corporate environment.

Click here for our article on "Lessons from Prince's Estate" and the 

Employment Discrimination, Personal Injury, Litigation, Corporate, Government Relations, Contract, Negotiations, Workmen's Compensation, and all civil law matters.

estates and probate

K-12, Higher Education, Title IX, Compliance, Risk Management, Investigations, Training, Student Conduct, Hearings/Arbitrations, Informal Resolution, Mediation, Interim Title IX Coordinator, Personal Coaching for Title IX Coordinators and Program Staff, Student Academic Dismissals, Bullying, Policy, Expert Witness, Government Relations, Special Education, and all other education law matters. 

For more information about our services and expertise in Title IX, Title VI, Title VII, and other civil rights areas, go to the Title IX and EEO page and the DEI Services page.  

Vance is Chair of the Board of Directors of The Clery Center, which engages in compliance and education services for institutions related to the federal Clery Act.